
Compass plugin with Cornell styles & variables.

This project is maintained by CALSCommunications

Cornell University Brand - Compass Plugin

This plugin adds various Cornell branding to Compass.


gem install compass-cornell-plugin

Adding the Cornell plugin to an existing project

Add the following to your compass.rb/config.rb config file:

# Require any additional compass plugins here.
require 'cornell'

Then make sure you have imported the variables library to your core .sass or .scss file with:

@import "cornell/variables"

Check out the wiki for variables, styles, and more information.


Parker Moore created this plugin to aid in his development work for CALS Office of Communications in the Summer of 2012.

Many thanks to Chris Eppstein for creating Compass, and Hampton Catlin for creating Sass.

And many thanks to Chris Eppstein again for creating compass-960-plugin, which made the creation of this plugin far easier.


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.mkdn for details.